East Bridgewater Junior/Senior High School Community Outreach

The Furniture, Furnishings, and Equipment Bid (released January 7, 2013 1pm) NEW!

Local Hiring Outreach Effort
There is a need to ensure that the qualified residents of East Bridgewater have the opportunity to be able to receive economic benefits from the construction of the East Bridgewater High School Project.

If your firm, company or business is located in East Bridgewater and is interested working on the East Bridgewater Junior/Senior High School Project, please submit the form below in order to be added to the Town’s list of interested contractors to be submitted for consideration of the General Contractor.

Please read the following Local Hiring Outreach Effort document for the new high school.


By submitting this Interest Form the identified firm is expressing its interest in the above-referenced public building construction project and is requesting that it be added to the list of firms that will be given to the General Contractor (GC) the Town Awards the project to. The Awarding Authority in no way guarantees that interested firms will work on the project, which is the solely prerogative of the GC based on specific labor requirements.

© 2010-2011 The East Bridgewater School Building Committee  |  Site designed and produced by Culp Design of East Bridgewater, MA